Auto Repair Tips & Guidance

Auto repair questions? Columbia Fleet Service has the answers


You asked for auto repair solutions you can trust delivered at your convenience and we heard you. At Columbia Fleet Service in Jessup because we don't just promise excellent customer service we deliver it, we created a straightforward blog, updated monthly, with quick auto maintenance tips, suggestions for better fuel efficiency and time saving auto repair ideas.

Do you have more questions? Ask one of our highly trained technicians by calling 410-324-7244 or stopping by our service center at 7661 Assateague Drive, Jessup, MD 20794.


Quote reviewicon

Shout out to my guy Sebastian in truck 44. Came and got a brother off the side of the road in no time and dropped me off at my hotel. 5 stars all day

, 10/23/2024

Quote reviewicon

Tow truck driver Matt helped me tow my truck back to the yard & even dropped me off at my car. πŸ‘Œ

, 10/18/2024

Quote reviewicon

My tractor broke down on a dangerous thin shoulder of I95 south. company called Columbia Fleet Services and Matt in truck 50 came to help. He was friendly, very professional, and worked fast got me outta there and back to the yard in no time. Great Driver and Towing company!!

, 09/24/2024


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